Tuesday, May 4, 2010

family profile sneak peak :)

well, we were told by our agency today that our first draft of our family profile book is in the mail!! so i am hoping that we get it thursday or friday! once we recieve it and review it...we have to let them know if everything is ok, and once they get the ok they will print the profiles and mail them all to us!

so it is LOOKING like we should get our completed profiles early next week...so if that happens next we will be an official waiting family :)

this would mean that starting next week i will officially become a crazy person who keeps her phone on her 24 hours a day! ive been dreaming of "the call" for the past 5 1/2 months and it is hard to believe that it could be right around the corner!

our agency, Adoption Associates Inc, has been wonderful so far! we feel blessed to be working with them. we have been doing a little research on the costs of flights to michigan as we have to be prepared to travel with NO notice :)

i decided that i would share what our family profile will be like, except of course it will be much nicer on the real thing!

(the close up picture will be on the front cover and the "jumping" picture will be the last picture and will be by the paragraph about our promises to the expectant mother)

(this picture will be on the inside)

(the top picture didnt make the cut but i couldnt figure out how to delete it :) and the one of me and our beautiful neices will go by the section about me)

(these are our other 2 pictures!!)

Dear Expectant Mother,

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us! Although we have not met you yet and we don’t even know your name, we have been praying for you and the life that you are carrying since the day we decided to adopt. We believe that God brings people and families together and that He brought us to you…and you to us! We admire your strength and respect your choice as you are faced with this difficult decision for you and your child.

Ever since we met we knew that adoption would be in our future. Even as a little girl, Christina’s heart was burdened for children without a home of their own. She often urged her parents to adopt children. Karl says that he believes God was preparing Christina’s heart so that she could prepare his heart for the day that we would get an infertility diagnosis that would lead us to adopting our first child. Adoption has never felt like our second best option…it came with lots of joy and excitement, trusting that God has a big beautiful plan for our life and our family.

About Us

We are excited to share a glimpse into our lives!

We met working for the same company and immediately fell for each other. It did not take long for our friendship to progress into something deeper and a few months later we were inseparable. Our first date was spent watching home videos at Christina’s parent’s house. As soon as we met each others’ families both of our mothers knew that their children had met the person they would marry! And they were right, only 9 months later we were engaged! We were married in the spring of the next year in a beautiful outdoor ceremony surrounded by our family and friends! We love to spend our time together cooking, fishing, going for walks, swimming, traveling, and spending time with our families.

Our Home and Extended Families

We share a two bedroom apartment with our dog Sammie. He is a 2 year old Shih Tzu and he loves everyone, he is very laid back and friendly. We live in a fun and diverse city that is known for its “Cajun” food and friendly people! We live near parks, great schools, and by lots of family! Family is very important to both of us and we feel blessed to live so close to so much of our family. We live fifteen minutes away from Christina’s parents as well as one of her sisters and brother-in-law and their three kids. Christina has another sister who currently lives out of state because her husband is in the military, but we still see her very often. Karl’s parents live only 2 hours away and we visit them every couple of months! His two sisters live out of state with their families, but we still see them as often as we can throughout the year. Together we have six nieces and four nephews ranging in age from nine months to age 16. They are a huge part of our lives. All of the kids cannot wait to welcome their new cousin! We often spend Sundays going to church as a family and then cooking at Christina’s parent’s house while the kids ride bikes, swim or fish!

Christina (written by Karl)

Christina has the biggest heart of anyone I know. Second to her big brown eyes it’s what drew me to her. She is compassionate and will always take an opportunity to help someone. Christina is funny and fun loving and loves to try new things. She loves children and I know her patient and nurturing way will make her an amazing mother. I can’t wait to see how great a mother Christina will be and how much joy and happiness our family will share when we welcome a baby boy or girl into our lives.

Karl (written by Christina)

Karl is my best friend. I was drawn to his handsome face, his gentle spirit and his amazing sense of humor. He is uplifting and encouraging and can always make me smile even when I’m feeling down. He is kind and forgiving and his faith in God is beautiful. When he loves someone, he loves with his whole heart and will stop at nothing to demonstrate that love. The same passion that he has for me spills over into every other aspect of his life. He is a dedicated and hard worker, a devoted son and friend, and a motivated student. I know with all my heart that he will be an amazing father and I cannot wait to see him take on that role!

Our Promise

We know that we are not perfect but we promise to love your baby with all our hearts. We will give your baby a life of love, happiness, family, and faith. We will raise your baby to know he or she is loved simply for who they are and to know that they may become anything they want to be. We will want your baby to always know that your heartbeat was the first lullaby that they ever heard. And that your decision was made with love, courage, and faith.

Thank you again for considering us and remember that you are still in our prayers.


  1. That is just beautiful! You did a great job & I can't wait to see the child God has in store for your family!

  2. It is very special to share in this intimate journey. It is beautiful that your adoption story can be described as intimate. Your baby will one day know that both your decision to adopt and their mother's decision to give them to you was done through love and faith. What a beautiful way to come into the world and into a family! I love you guys.

  3. This makes me tear up! You guys are going to be fantastic parents.

    It's perfect! I love all of the awesome photos of you both. I can't wait for the big announcement when its time!
