Sunday, April 11, 2010

struggling...and some garage sale treasures!

im in a funk right now. im struggling with writing our "dear expectant mother letter" and the rest of our family profile. should be relatively easy right!? just write about who we are, what we like to do, what our families are like...should be a piece of cake. well its not. this is by far the hardest thing that ive ever had to write. how do i express me and karl in such a way that it really portrays who we are...i mean REALLY shows who we are? so much so that a woman is drawn to us as she is contemplating adoption for the child she is carrying, the child she loves, the child she feels moving in her womb...and then this same letter will lead her to choosing our family to raise her child, i mean really - this is huge.
im having to examine myself in ways that ive never had to before. my imperfections surface oh so quickly...the fears and the doubts are trying to get the best of me. im praying that God will give me peace. that He will help me to speak from my heart. i know He loves me, He loves the woman that is carrying our child...he loves our child.

for those of you that were reading because the title promised talk of garage sale is the time to talk about that :)
friday night i slept at my moms house because saturday morning her neighborhood was having a neighborhood wide garage sale!! it was SO much fun. late friday night we drove around the neighborhood, mapping out where we would go in the morning. our alarms went off at 5:15am and we were up and off! our first stop was the biggest hit. i scored some awesome baby items and ill show you them to you...

first was a highchair for 10 bucks...

next was a pack n play for 20 bucks

and lastly was the cutest mini swing. for 25 bucks. it honestly looks like it was never used. i love it.

ill throw one more picture in just for fun, i am blessed to get to use this beautiful chair in my nursery and i am so excited. thanks sis!


  1. I had to catch up and realize you'd switched to domestic! There is a HUGE need for adoptive parents for african american babies and you will definitely be matched quickly. With the numbers adopting from Ethiopia rising every month, we've also been praying and considering our next adoptions coming from the states. Have you read about the Wright family? The ones with eight kids? They have great stories about domestic adoption. I'll keep checking in -- and don't stress about your letter to birthmom. It was definitely the hardest part of our adoption for me, but once you start, it will come. The Lord provides the words. : )

  2. Thanks for sharing what you are struggling with. I now feel very equipped to pray for you and Karl! One thought: you could ask a few people some of the questions you have to answer. They may be able to give you insight or should I say out-sight :) We all know your hearts and relationship. It could possibly be easier for us to put into words what we see than you trying to write about yourselves. Love you!
