Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a guessing game...and other sweet stuff

so this weekend my sweet sweet momma and proud "lovey" to all of her grandkids wanted to do a little shopping for her soon to be newest grandbaby, so off we went! we picked out 6 outfits, 3 for a boy and 3 for a girl (it was WAY more fun buying gender specific clothes rather than gender neutral clothes) and the great thing is we got them from Target and target has a 90 day return policy, so hopefully *God willing* we will already have our baby or at least know the gender within 90 days and we will be able to return the ones we dont need :) 

**unless of course we end up with twins, my 3 year old neice is convinced that we are getting a girl baby for me and a boy baby for uncle karl. anytime we talk about the baby, she brings up BOTH babies. we have also been told by several aunts and relatives that they are praying that we get twins...yikes!!! we know of course its possible but im sure its not likely**

so now for the GUESSING GAME!!
      the ladies i work with thought it would be very fun to play a guess the gender game (since we are open to either) so EVERYONE at work has put in their guess! i love that they are so involved and its funny because they are serious about their guesses...like they really put thought into why they think whichever one they think! im trying to think of some type of really simple but really cute gift that the winners could get! so if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!!

so here goes...here are the guesses so far! (and the outfits my mom got the baby)   enjoy!
Boys are in the lead...with 9 guesses!!!

And 7 people have guessed a girl!!

And 2 guessed boy/girl

if anyone would like to join in on the fun, feel free to leave your guess in a comment!!

p.s. our prints should be here thursday! we are thinking our profiles should be in our hands next week and once we glue in the pictures and mail them back to Michigan then they will be in the hands of the expectant mothers! please pray for us, the expectant mother & the baby that God has for us!!!


  1. Ohhh- I would have to say.......boy.

    but- I would add that twins would be fun! I have never had twins before, but would welcome the crazy challenge :)
