Friday, April 23, 2010

beautiful blessings

im feeling beyond blessed right now. last week we found out that we had a 13 week wait to get our FBI clearances back...and that we could not move forward to become a waiting family until we got them back. that would have put it at the middle of June before we could even move forward again.
well today we are 5 weeks and 1 day into that wait, and the lady on the FBI customer service line this morning told Karl that we can expect to recieve our clearances early next week!!!!!!!!!
our wait time is more than cut in half and i feel so blessed and we are so excited!

persistence pays off (i called everyday for a week) but also i think God lined us up with the "right" woman on the customer service line to help us. i was honest and shared our story with her, i told her how important it was that we get these back as soon as possible because we are adopting our first child...and she helped us! it was beautiful and we definitely plan on sending her a thank you card.

so J our social worker for our homestudy should recieve those fingerprints early next week and then she will be able to finish our homestudy! also this week we will be recieving our family profiles so that we can glue in all of the pictures into each book and then we will mail them back to our agency in michigan and then they will be shown to expectant mothers.

so of course i cant say for sure but it is looking like our baby might be born pretty soon...could be in may, june, july...who knows!?! God does! and that makes my heart smile!

our caseworker for our agency thinks we will be traveling to pick up our baby in the spring or summer...and its looking like she might just be right!!

oh my, im going to be a momma!!!


  1. Just found you through the comment you left on my blog! So excited that you are in the final stages also! I'll be adding you to my blog roll! Can't wait to see the child God has in store for you!

  2. Yay Christina and Karl! Way to go you are already wonderful parents fighting for your child :)

  3. WAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soo HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!! That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!!

  4. I can't wait for the day you are matched. It's a beautiful thing! I can't wait to be mommies together! :)
