Monday, March 1, 2010

Homestudy started!!!

xciting things have been going on!!

WOW!! less than 1 week ago we were still looking at around 4 1/2 month wait to submit our application and start our homestudy, then at least another 2 or 3 months to complete our homestudy and get on the waitlist...and then another 6-11 months on the waitlist until we got our referral...well here we are today, preliminary app with Adoption Associates Inc was faxed this morning, homestudy app was placed in the mail this morning with our first payment and Karl & I started working on our autobiographies for the homestudy last night. it was fun! so now our timeline looks like this:::

~2 months (give or take a week or so) and then we should be homestudy approved and on the waitlist!!!

~right now our agency is estimating an average wait time of 6 months or less to be matched or placed!

so of course i know that nothing is certain and every adoption plan is different but just for the fun of it, lets say it does take 2 months for the homestudy and then 6 months to be matched...that means that by november we should be matched or placed with a baby! but like i said, our wait could be much shorter or much longer.

so here are a few pictures of karl & I signing our papers for the applications last night!
(please ignore the gunshow in Ks picture) :)


  1. Love it! Soooo excited for you both!!!! Can't wait to see what God has in store for you :)

  2. congrats on a HUGE step!!!! :)


  3. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! I will keep you in my prayers!

  4. yay! Watching with interest as we are considering using adoption associates too! Blessings!

  5. It is really exciting how quickly everything is moving! I love you guys. Be encouraged!!!
